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  1. Determinants and consequences of a procedurally just treatment of prisoners

Determinants and consequences of a procedurally just treatment of prisoners

Door prof. dr. Anja Dirkzwager | 20 januari 2016 | Sancties

This project focuses on procedural justice in prisons. In this project procedural justice refers to prisoners’ perceptions of the fairness of procedures in prisons, the interpersonal treatment within prison (e.g. being treated with respect and humanity), and positive and constructive officer-prisoner relationships. The first aim is to examine to what extent contextual factors within prisons (characteristics and composition of prison staff and prison architecture) are related to a procedurally just treatment of prisoners. The second aim is to examine to what extent a fair and respectful treatment of prisoners affects prisoners’ adjustment in prison (misconduct and mental health problems) and after prison (recidivism). This project uses data from the Prison Project, a largescale and longitudinal study following 1.900 prisoners.
drs. Karin Beijersbergen, promovendus, prof. dr. Peter van der Laan, prof. dr. Paul Nieuwbeerta (Universiteit Leiden), promotoren, dr. Anja Dirkzwager, co-promotor

prof. dr. Anja Dirkzwager

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